Members awarded membership ribbons by BNI Director Darryl Buchanan

James Newell BNI Central London

This week we were pleased to welcome our BNI Director Darryl Buchanan join us for breakfast at our networking meeting in Covent Garden London. The BNI Central chapter in Covent Garden has been going strong for some time now thanks to its revival led by our Chapter President Simon Martin. The group is on the verge to meet its £1 million worth of business target for 2020 and it is thanks to the longevity of memberships that have forged strong bonds between members.

Daryl awarded the following members below with membership ribbons to commemorate their continued dedication to the group. This also showcases that BNI works! If you put in the time, rally quality individuals around you, make and follow up on the referrals it can work for you too.


Congratulations to…

James Newell Clear Sales Message
March Sach  J Farley Contracts Ltd
Lou Swaine (Katherine Heath) Hug London
John Dennington Gemini Printing
Jamie Horton Kings Road Creative


Marc Sach BNI Central London


Katherine Hug London BNI Central London


John Dennington BNI Central London


Jamie Horton BNI Central London



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